TELEPATHY :: tele means over a distance / pathy means feeling or perception
feeling across a distance
Telepathy is the universal language of animals. Tele means ‘over a distance’ and pathy means ‘feeling’ or ‘perception’. It is mind-to-mind or heart-to-heart communication and so it doesn't depend upon being present physically. A thought from one mind can be picked up by another mind since the thought exists in the same field of consciousness.
Our animals are listening to our thoughts all the time. We can hear our animals if we learn to tune-in. We all have the neural pathways for communicating telepathically. It is natural and innate to us all. We often loose it when as children it’s replaced by verbal language.
Animal communication is a two-way conversation. The animal chooses whether to connect and engage. When communicating with an animal we are sometimes sending information and sometimes we are receiving information. This can be transmitted as images, thoughts, feelings, knowing, impressions, intuition, and even smell and taste. Telepathic information travels fast.
Ever since 2014 when I took my first workshop in animal communication, I've been practicing telepathy with animals and helping them and their people. I’ve had wonderful teachers who are long-time professionals in the field: Carol Gurney, Mary J Getten, Dawn Brunke, and Penelope Smith.
Penelope Smith explains in her book “When Animals Speak” that the word “animal” comes from the latin word “anima” which means life principle, breath, air, soul, living being. We animals (human and non-human) are all animated by the same essence and can all commune and communicate with each other.
I approach every being as individual and unique with their own feelings, thoughts, and perspective to share. My goal is always to honor what I receive from an animal and to have heart-to-heart communication that is clear and accurate.
“All non-human animals telepathically communicate. This is not something spooky or weird, but it is an inborn ability of all beings, including humans.”