FROM Jo-e ::
BoDHI’S person
"The messages you brought back from Bodhi were so deeply stunning, enlightening and enriching to our souls. I know that even you were touched to tears over her message of wholeness, oneness and that she was as close to us as our breath. She talked about having total satisfaction exactly as she was, needing nothing, being in our very presence in each moment. She reminded us of what is possible on a spiritual level, and now she lives on in us continually being our guide. I am in peace! Karen, you turned the death of our cat into a sacred gift that will continue to provide us with her life, love and wisdom for the rest of our lives. You brought peace and healing to our hearts. I personally am left in such good shape emotionally because of what flowed so naturally to and through you. Bless you and thank you with all my heart."
FROM reaver’s person
“Reaver and I feel so blessed. Your loving care has helped us both create an even deeper connection. Your work from the beginning helped us make that transition quickly. Your communication with him is so revealing and he is so much happier and relaxed. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your extraordinary gifts of love in action!”
FROM Jamie ::
hobbes’ person
”Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the telepathy session you did with our dog Hobbes. I was literally brought to tears of love. There was such a truth and resonance to it. You gave me a more intimate connection to Hobbes, a deeper knowing of who he is. The things you shared are very specific to him and describe him to a tee. So blessed to have met you.
I wanted to say thank you so much for being paramount in our decision to adopt Hobbes. I happened to re read your transcript a few days ago now that we know his personality better and my boyfriend and I were blown away. You said he loves to play and that’s his big thing, playful, goofy, silly and you said that he is ‘funny’ which describes him to a tee. The shelter volunteers said he was a ‘character’. You also were very specific about him mentioning that he so desperately wanted to rub his body up against a tree and couldn’t in there. I rarely see dogs who do this, but this was the part that blew me away. For the last week or so, one of his favorite things to do is brush his body up against the bushes as we walk by. I was like woah, Karen! He also told you, ‘I’m mellow in all ways’ and sure enough he adores everyone we go past and wants to make friends.”
“We want to thank you for helping us resolve a very annoying behavioral problem with our cats. It has been a while now, but when our adorable Siamese cats, Bert and Ernie, were three years old, they started urinating on the bedclothes. Your communications with Bert and Ernie revealed that the problem was a territorial dispute between the cats. Your action plan and direct communication with each cat individually worked to solve the problem between them quickly and effectively. There have been no further behavioral problems. Thanks for your intervention.”
FROM Sailor’s person
“I am going to try to put into words a gratitude that is too big to be confined by language. Your help and support turned the period of my sweet Sailor’s transition from this life into a period of love and closeness, where it might have been just sorrow and pain. Karen, I really cannot thank you enough for all you did during the last couple of months. Your gift of Reiki gave us precious time together, and allowed me to let Sailor approach his transition in his own way, at his own pace.
You sent the Reiki after we were asleep – I know this because I was awakened by an incredible sense of well-being. I can still feel it, on the edge of consciousness, when I close my eyes – a warm, glowing sense that all was well. I basked in that sensation for a few moments, petted my little boy, and drifted back off to sleep. In the morning, I felt better rested than I had in days, and Sailor was sleeping peacefully.
I had already made an appointment for the vet to come help him on his journey, and he was due that afternoon. However, Sailor ate an entire chicken thigh, his first real meal in days. So, I cancelled the appointment. After that, we had a wondrous period of about five weeks when Sailor ate regularly, gained enough weight back to be steady on his feet, and enjoyed life again. He wasn’t quite as active as before, but he was fully engaged in life, enjoying his walks when the weather was good, and enjoying being with us and being petted. This improved well-being was the gift of Reiki, of pure love. I will always cherish this period when I was able to fully appreciate and enjoy Sailor for a few priceless extra weeks.”
“Your session gave me the peace and understanding I truly needed and I will be forever grateful."
BAGLE’s person
"By talking to Bagel, you helped me to understand what is really important to him and our relationship. Having a deeper understanding is increasing our bond with one another, a bond which was already strong!"
“Give thanks for what you have been given. Give a gift in reciprocity for what you have taken. Sustain the ones who sustain you and the earth will last forever.”