As I discover holistic resources I’ll post them here - including books, healing modalities and wellness information.
Since nutrition is the basis of all physical well-being, I’ve compiled some information from trusted resources on nutrition to help you make the best decisions for your cats and dogs. After discovering what’s healthy and appropriate nutrition for our feline and canine family members, I’m on a mission to share what I know and empower others. See the button below.
“The Forever Dog” by Rodney and Dr Karen Becker
”Real Food for Healthy Dogs and Cats” by Dr Karen Becker
”Unlocking the Canine Ancestral Diet” by Steve Brown
List of Best and Worst Foods by Dr Karen Becker DVM [downloadable pdf]
”Real Food for Healthy Dogs and Cats” by Dr Karen Becker
”Feline Nutrition - Nutrition for the Optimum Health and Longevity of your Cat” by Lynn Curtis
Small Batch / Portland, Oregon / raw cat and dog food / organic produce and responsibly sourced meats /
Raw Bistro / raw dog food
The Natural Cat: The Comprehensive Guide to Optimum Care by Anitra Frazier
Total Cat Mojo: the ultimate guide to life with your cat by Jackson Galaxy
Getting in TTouch with Your Dog by Linda Tellington-Jones
The Tellington TTouch by Linda Tellington-Jones
The Bloom Book - A Flower Essence Guide to Cosmic Balance by Heidi Smith
Ahimsa Dog Training Manual by Grisha Stewart
Mercola Healthy Pets Digestive Enzyme / This complete formula includes betaine HCl, bromelain from pineapple, papain from papaya, and pancreatin, a blend of three animal-based pancreatic enzymes. Animal-sourced enzymes offer many advantages over fungal- or plant-based enzymes for cats and dogs.
Standard Process Supplements / veterinary formulas for cats, dogs and horses made with whole foods /
Omega Fish Oils / made by Standard Process, Mercola Healthy Pets, Nordic Naturals
Fleas by Dr Karen Becker DVM [article downloadable pdf]
Essential Oils for Animals that help with buggie issues (Boost in a Bottle or Evict for dogs and KittyBoost for cats) / Melissa Shelton DVM / Veterinary Aromatic Medicine /
4-legger / organic shampoo / can be used with oils from animalEO /
Amber Crown / collars for natural flea protection /
Essential Oils aid physical issues and wellness.
If during a telepathic session it becomes clear that there are issues that could be helped by essential oils, I can recommend an appropriate blend made for animals and order it for you. Essential Oils give general health support as well as help specific issues.
These blends have been tested and created by Melissa Shelton DVM who is regarded as the leading expert in the use of essential oils with all animals. In 2011, Dr Shelton dedicated her practice solely to the research and advancement of veterinary aromatic medicine and in 2014 created her own line of high quality oils that are veterinary grade. Her veterinary formulation specifically for cats carries years of clinical safety data, blood monitoring, and case studies. The application method, dose and the dilution in carrier oil is appropriate for the species.
Essential Oils for Animals / Melissa Shelton DVM / Veterinary Aromatic Medicine /
24/7 PET POISON HELP LINE: 855-764-7661
For an extensive list of poisons:
ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center: 888-426-4435
If in doubt whether what has been ingested is toxic, get your animal to the vet immediately.
I’ve compiled a short list of what can be toxic and harmful to your animals so you know more what to avoid to keep your animals safe. See the button below.