Acknowledgement & Consent to Receive Treatment
California Senate Bill SB-577 requires complementary and alternative health care practitioners to disclose the following information to clients.
I am not a licensed physician or veterinarian.
A Reiki treatment is alternative or complementary to healing arts services licensed by the state.
Reiki is not licensed by the state of California.
I provide Reiki treatment sessions from a distance for animals and their person or family. Sessions usually are about half an hour and take place at a scheduled time when the client can relax. The client sets an intention to be open to receive whatever is needed at this moment for their highest good. During a Reiki Treatment the body will only take the amount of energy that is required.
Reiki is gentle, noninvasive, painless and can do no harm. Usually there is a deep feeling of relaxation and some even go to sleep. There might be no sensation felt at all. Or the shifting energy may be experienced as an emotional detox with signs of letting go such yawning, burbing or movements in the body. When issues are released, the body may respond by even briefly appearing to get worse or reactive as part of the healing process.Reiki translates as “spiritual energy”. The system of Reiki uses this spiritual energy for healing. We are all this balanced and harmonious energy as our true nature. The practitioner radiates Reiki and the client has the intention to “step into” this energetic field of peace, calm and compassion. The body can heal itself when energy is cleared and balance is restored so that there is a natural flow of ki (chi) or “life force energy”.
Distant Reiki offers the same benefits as in-person Reiki since our interconnectedness spans time and space. We can feel the affects and power of love without being in the same physical space.
The system of Reiki supports the animal’s and/or the person’s self-healing on physical, emotional and spiritual levels. Reiki can help maintain well-being, as well as help stressed, sick or injured animals.
Reiki Level I / Reiki Master Firestar / 23 January 2017
Reiki Level II / Reiki Master Jamie Wozny / 14 October 2018
Reiki Level III / Reiki Master Jamie Wozny / 21 September 2019
Animal Reiki / Let Animals Lead® method / Kathleen Prasad / April 2021
I have been provided with the information that Karen is not a licensed physician or veterinarian, and that the Reiki treatment she will provide is not licensed by the State of California. Energy and Divine Healing is alternative or complementary to the healing arts that are licensed by the State of California Under Sections 2053.5 and 2053.6 of California’s Business and Professions Code.
I acknowledge that I have been given information about the nature of Reiki treatments and the theory of the treatment being provided, as well as details of the Reiki training that Karen has received.
I consent to use the Reiki services offered by Karen Leach.
California state law requires that I obtain written acknowledgement stating that my client has been provided with this information. You must be provided with a copy of the written acknowledgement (see downloadable form below). I am required to keep this acknowledgement in my records for three years.
“If we want to create the ideal conditions of trust so animals can fully connect with us in the Reiki space, it begins with us. Our approach should always be the same: healing is the embodiment of peace and compassion while we hold space with animals. Healing is remembering that All is Well in this moment. ”