I offer Reiki sessions from a distance and custom flower essence remedies.
There are resources for wellness such as appropriate nutrition and veterinary-grade essential oils.
Healing is the process of returning to a natural state of balance.
These modalities have a long track record of being effective and balancing.
It would be my honor to be of service for healing for your animal.
ROMAN CHAMOMILE brings emotional balance
Flower Essences help with soul issues.
If imbalances become evident in a session that could be helped by flower essences, then a custom remedy can be made by combining multiple essences to address the issues. I use only high-quality flower essences that are organic and wild-crafted.
These extracts, derived from flowers, address the emotional and psychological aspects of mind-body wellness. So they can shift behaviors, energy and emotions. Good for animals and their people!
The well-known Rescue Remedy has been shown effective and powerful for use in emergencies - such as regaining consciousness and coming out of shock. This Bach Flower Remedy is a combination of five flower essences. It’s good to have a bottle on hand. An organic and wild-crafted version of this amazing combination of flower essences can be ordered.
To order a custom flower essence remedy and book a consultation go HERE.
REIKI means spiritual energy
Reiki means spiritual (Rei) energy (Ki). Reiki is a method of working with energy that clears and balances on all levels and so has therapeutic application. The system of Reiki came to the US from Japan.
The love and compassion of Reiki can shift a physical situation, help with emotional balance, and bring peace during an animal’s transition. Animals are particularly sensitive to Reiki and just take as much as they need.
I have Reiki 3 training (master practitioner) and offer distant Reiki sessions for animals. Like telepathic communication, spiritual energy transcends time and space.
To book a Distant Reiki Session go HERE and to sign the Reiki Consent form go HERE.
MELISSA in KittyBoost and Boost in a Bottle
Essential Oils aid physical issues and wellness.
If during a telepathic session it becomes clear that there are issues that could be helped by essential oils, I can recommend an appropriate blend made for animals and order it for you. Essential Oils give general health support as well as help specific issues.
These blends have been tested and created by Melissa Shelton DVM who is regarded as the leading expert in the use of essential oils with all animals. In 2011, Dr Shelton dedicated her practice solely to the research and advancement of veterinary aromatic medicine and in 2014 created her own line of high quality oils that are veterinary grade.
Her veterinary formulation specifically for cats carries years of clinical safety data, blood monitoring, and case studies. The application method, dose and the dilution in carrier oil is appropriate for the species.
Essential Oils for Animals / Melissa Shelton DVM / Veterinary Aromatic Medicine / animaleo.inf
KITTY GRASS is good for cats and dogs
Since nutrition is the basis of all physical well-being, I’ve compiled some information from trusted resources on nutrition to help you make the best decisions for your cats and dogs.
Since discovering what’s healthy and appropriate nutrition for our feline and canine family members, I’m on a mission to share what I know and empower others.
Avoid all VITIS VINIFERA FRUITS for dogs
Here’s a list of what can be toxic and harmful to your animals. Know what to avoid to keep your animals safe. For an extensive list of poisons: petpoisonhelpline.com
If in doubt whether what has been ingested is toxic, get your animal to the vet immediately.
Ylang Ylang in CALM-A-MILE essential oil blend for cats and dogs
As I discover good holistic resources I’ll post them here - including my favourite books and resources related to wellness.